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Furniture portfolio

A collection of images, film, animation, and tools to help you succeed with CGI in your furniture business.

Kitchen and bath portfolio

Kitchen & bath
Learn how industry leaders in the kitchen, bath, and bedroom industry use CGI to grow their business and brand recognition.
Industrial portfolio
Are you struggling to show complex or hidden parts of your product? With CGI we can visualize your product part by part and from all angles.

Home improvement portfolio

Home improvement
An inexpensive, quick and easy way to build your brand with beautiful high-quality images, film and configurators.
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Fritz Hansen case story Cadesign form

Featured furniture case story
As the high-end lifestyle brand that Fritz Hansen is, it was a challenge to find a  professional partner who understands their needs while delivering quality materials on time.

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Kitchen & bath case story
As a kitchen, bath, and wardrobe manufacturer, AUBO doesn't just sell products - they sell a certain lifestyle, which must be present in all their marketing material.

GEA case story Cadesign form

Featured industry case story
Discover how one innovative idea ignited a year-round tale of triumph for GEA, a revolutionary leader in sustainable heating and cooling solutions.


Home improvement case story
Providing customers with a product configurator, Keflico created a smooth user experience which resulted in the highest ever engagement rate on their website one week after the launch.
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2023 70
Show your products in the perfect setting

Creative services

Imagine a group of deeply passionate and creative people with an innate understanding of what works visually. These people understand the importance of perfecting even the smallest details. They get how moving a vase a few centimeters or altering the wall colors by subtle shades can transform the atmosphere of a lifestyle image, resulting in the perfect shot. These are the people you'll meet in our Creative department.

The power of styling in CGI visuals

At Cadesign Form, we are fortunate to have a talented Creative Team of stylists, art directors, and visual storytellers who bring a wealth of experience from product and interior design, furniture design, and fashion photography to the table, ensuring innovative and inspiring results.

We dedicate ourselves to empowering national and international clients across all industries by crafting visually captivating digital masterpieces that resonate perfectly with their brands. As creative consultants and sparring partners with a well-equipped creative toolbox, we aim to understand your business and target audiences to enhance your visual identity and marketing assets.

Create the overarching visual direction

Creative brief

The creative brief is a tool that allows us to help our clients define their creative strategy before a product launch, a new visual identity, entering a new market, etc.

The creative brief is meant to be long-term for internal and external use and sets the creative and visual direction for the following projects. Usually, we finish this document before we start working on specific projects because it allows us to identify the common thread that will connect all the visual campaigns the following season and help support brand recognition.

creative brand brief Celine
The visual direction for individual projects


We use moodboards as an effective tool to set the visual direction for a specific project.

A new project always starts with a brief from the client, where we outline the goals, expectations, and any specific requirements for the project. During the brief, we also gain valuable insights about the particular product(s), the target group, the deadline, and the budget.

We combine all insights from the brief and sprinkle them with our creative expertise. The result is a moodboard presenting the creative direction, complete with props, light, architecture, colors, angles, and so on. Once we finish the moodboard, we start creating the actual 3D scene.


CGI makes it easy to get a multitude of marketing assets

Once we create lifestyle images featuring your products, reactivating the scene is easy, fast, and economical. It doesn't matter if the scene is brand new or something created years ago.

For example, you can reuse the same angle in the same scene, where we insert your product in different colors or materials and change the props. The result will be several unique but connected lifestyle images that don't require creating an entirely new setup each time.

Restyling is also a perfect (and price-friendly) solution for your seasonal marketing campaigns, where you can use existing scenes. We can, for example, take your existing lifestyle image and create the perfect Christmasy atmosphere with props, surroundings, and lighting that match your brand.

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Ready-to-use 3D scenes

Location Library

Our Location Library is a collection of more than 30 ready-made locations created by our Creative team, building constructors, and architects.

Each digital location consists of several rooms in 360 degrees, just like an actual location. With already-made locations, you save time and money on your visuals because there's no need to wait (or pay) for us to create the locations in 3D from scratch. You can, of course, fully customize all locations based on your needs, vision, product, and our recommendations.

Read more about Location Library.

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Same scene, different styling
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On-demand webinar

Discover the top interior design trends and digital experiences for 2025

Watch our on-demand webinars and find out how you can strengthen your business and product campaigns in 2025 by harnessing the future trends within interior design and customer experience. 

Go to the webinars

Selected references

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