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Furniture portfolio

A collection of images, film, animation, and tools to help you succeed with CGI in your furniture business.

Kitchen and bath portfolio

Kitchen & bath
Learn how industry leaders in the kitchen, bath, and bedroom industry use CGI to grow their business and brand recognition.
Industrial portfolio
Are you struggling to show complex or hidden parts of your product? With CGI we can visualize your product part by part and from all angles.

Home improvement portfolio

Home improvement
An inexpensive, quick and easy way to build your brand with beautiful high-quality images, film and configurators.
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Fritz Hansen case story Cadesign form

Featured furniture case story
As the high-end lifestyle brand that Fritz Hansen is, it was a challenge to find a  professional partner who understands their needs while delivering quality materials on time.

Cambria lakedale kitchen

Kitchen & bath case story
Cambria is passionate about its products, and the visualizations of its quartz surfaces. However, the company faced a challenge with only one in-house 3D artist, causing a bottleneck.

GEA case story Cadesign form

Featured industry case story
Discover how one innovative idea ignited a year-round tale of triumph for GEA, a revolutionary leader in sustainable heating and cooling solutions.


Home improvement case story
Providing customers with a product configurator, Keflico created a smooth user experience which resulted in the highest ever engagement rate on their website one week after the launch.
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  • 01 How to get started
  • 02 Set objectives
  • 03 Decide on the core message
  • 04 Ideation & Storyboard
  • 05 Video production
  • 06 Next steps

Inspire your audience and build your brand

Corporate videos are one of the most effective and engaging ways of inspiring your customers and conveying your messages. 

To get started, all you need is an idea of the message you want to convey. Our specialists will help you with storyboards, scenery and technological choices.

Research your audience and set clear objectives

We work with you on specific and achievable objectives for your new corporate video. We want to make sure that measuring your success is simple and provides the ROI you need.

Humans are wired for storytelling - what is your message?

Before we start any video production, it's important that you - and we - have set clear objectives for your new corporate film and which brand story you are trying to tell.

In short, in collaboration we decide on a core message that will help drive viewers towards your end goal - to take action.

Let your imagination run wild

This is where our creatives start their process. A delicious combination of imagination, creativity and trends in your market.

Next, they start making a storyboard. Basically, a scene-by-scene representation of your new video.

Ready, steady, go

Now, we're ready to start the video production. Our film team handles the entire production, editing, animation, and real-life filming. Sit back and watch the ideas come to life.

Start telling your brand message to the world

Reach out to Sales to learn more about how to get started.

Or keep reading and watch some of the examples of video production we've done for other clients.

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Humans are wired for stories - make yours count

Cadesign form - Corporate Video by Cadeisgn form
Cadesign form

Watch our own corporate video which is just one out of many examples of the corporate videos we have produced during our 30 years of experience with corporate video production. Just a detail.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 103653-1
Hobson Engineering

In their new corporate video, they drill straight to the core of why their bolts are "not just bolts". Hobson skillfully transforms facts into compelling storytelling, clearly explaining why you should choose them if you're aiming for longevity and premium quality in industrial projects, both large and small.

Gardena thumbnail option

Grass, football, and the Gardena Sileno lawn mower robot – a dream team! We were thrilled to help Gardena create a standout video to be shown at Munich Airport. The result? A smile-inducing commercial!

Grundfos - Corporate Video Production by Cadesign form

Grundfos is one of the largest water pump manufacturers in the world. Their vision is to set the standard in terms of innovation, efficiency, reliability and sustainability. Their solutions help partners and customers move water to where it is supposed to go, providing clean drinking water around the world.

Aarsleff - Corporate video by Cadesign form

Aarsleff Rail came to us in search of a fresh, new look that would break with the widespread perception of the rail industry as being somewhat old-fashioned. 


With this corporate video about Feldhaus, the viewer learns that Feldhaus work with bricks, we see that they’re a company of substantial size and impact, we meet the employees and get a hint of their global scale business.

CKL Software - Corporate Video by Cadesign form
CKL Software

CKL Software is a professional financial accounting and controlling bureau. They reached out when they needed a corporate video that explained and created trustability.  

Schur - Corporate Video by Cadesign form
Schur - Packaging for life

In this film, we look at the innovative and environmentally-friendly packaging solutions of Schur®Star Systems.

Vejle Kommune - Corporate film by Cadesign form
Vejle Municipality

We have had the pleasure of creating this film for Vejle municipality that represents a whole new quarter in Vejle, Ny Rosborg.

Mir - Corporate video by Cadesign form

We have produced this 3D animation film for Mobile Industrial Robots where we focus on their simple and innovative concept. 

FORCE-Technology-&-LORC - Corporate video by Cadesign form
Force Technology & LORC

3D visualization film for Force Technology and LORC that demonstrates the coming testing center for foundations and welding technology.

OnRobot - Corporate video by Cadesign form

We produced this 3D animation film for OnRobot, where we learn about their simple and innovative concept.

DSI-H-Freezer - Corporate film by Cadesign form
DSI H-Freezer

In this film, we introduce the DSI all-in-one plate freezing solution pladefrysningsløsning and all the advantages connected to this product. 

Rohde-Nielsen - Corporate video by Cadesign form
Rohde Nielsen

We have created this film for Rohde Nielsen, which represents the story of the company, its vision, its mission, and key competencies.

Schur-Universe- Corporate video by Cadesign form
Schur Universe

Schur is a Danish company that delivers packaging, packaging machines, packaging systems, and know-how. This film is a commercial film that explains their services.

Danfoss - Corporate video by Cadesign form

When a company like Danfoss sets about introducing a new, technically advanced product, the aim is to present it as simply as possible, whilst also wowing the audience. How then, does the marketing manager manage both challenges? They tell a story. Stories capture people's imagination and illustrate and inspire in a completely fresh way – one that the bare facts simply can't deliver.

Corporate Film

Your entire business in minutes

Video works better than words on social media, at sales meetings, at trade fairs, on your website… essentially anywhere. No one has the time or patience for 10 PowerPoint slides or reading one extensive column after another about who you are as a company and what products you sell. A corporate video is an incredible medium because you can say so much in a short amount of time through different communicative features in the video.

The cast, setting, speak and the entire mood says a lot about the sender of the film. Show and tell a visually appealing and catchy story about your entire company and all its outstanding qualities within minutes through a medium that actually retains the interest of the viewer and makes your company memorable in the eyes of your customers – through Corporate and Branding film.

Evoke emotions

Branding with storytelling

Always take your own medicine, they say. Well, in the case of our own corporate branding film, we certainly did.

We could have told the story of our business segments, customers, number of employees, our products and services and how we manage our projects from a to z – such a film has its definite perks and is a strong explanatory means of communication.

But, in this case we chose the path of storytelling, projecting our core values and the way we approach our customers with our ‘We care’ manifesto through a (hopefully) compelling story of long-term guidance in a confusing pool of possibilities. 

The cast, setting, speak and the entire mood says a lot about the sender of the film. Show and tell a visually appealing and catchy story about your entire company and all its outstanding qualities within minutes through a medium that actually retains the interest of the viewer and makes your company memorable in the eyes of your customers – through Corporate and Branding film.


Hobson Engineering - Brand film

What should you do when your business manufactures a small product that is often overlooked or taken for granted in the grand scheme of things? Take notes from Hobson Engineering.

In their new corporate video, they drill straight to the core of why their bolts are "not just bolts."

Does this topic seem boring? Well, after collaborating with Hobson on this amazing video project, we've never been more thrilled about bolts! We're confident you'll agree when you watch the result.

In the video, Hobson skillfully transforms facts into compelling storytelling, clearly explaining why you should choose them if you're aiming for longevity and premium quality in industrial projects, both large and small.

It's absolutely captivating, isn't it?

Contact us here


The Feldhaus Feeling

Sometimes there is no need for words or explanations. Sometimes the right scenery, the perfect lighting, high-end equipment, evocative music and excellent editing comes together and becomes an incredible example of artistic branding. 

However, the Feldhaus film is not without information. The viewer is still very well informed and learn that they work with bricks, we see that they’re a company of substantial size and impact, we meet the employees and get a hint of their global scale business – but the way we learn all of this is in an artistic and highfalutin matter, without words or texts, but with feeling and an almost tactile form of expression in the shape of a corporate film. 

The ambitions of Feldhaus when they released a corporate video like this one is hard to overlook. Have a look at the result below.

Creative portfolios

Examples from your industry

Go to our industry-specific pages where we've collected all the best images, films, and product configuration examples from five different industries: Furniture, Kitchen & Bath, Home Improvement, Industry & Manufacturing, and Prefabricated Houses.

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